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Shevirah founder and CEO Georgia Weidman is a serial entrepreneur, penetration tester, security researcher, speaker, trainer, and author. She holds an MS in computer science as well as holding CISSP, CEH, and OSCP certifications. Her work in the field of smartphone exploitation has been featured internationally in print and on television. She has provided training at conferences such as Blackhat USA, Brucon, and CanSecWest. Georgia founded Bulb Security LLC, a security consulting firm specializing in security assessments/penetration testing, security training, and research/development. She was awarded a DARPA Cyber Fast Track grant to continue her work in mobile device security culminating in the release of the open source project the Smartphone Pentest Framework (SPF). She founded Shevirah Inc. to create product solutions for assessing and managing the risk of mobile devices in the enterprise and testing the effectiveness of enterprise mobility management solutions and is a graduate of the Mach37 cybersecurity accelerator. She is the author of Penetration Testing: A Hands-On Introduction to Hacking from No Starch Press. She was the recipient of the 2015 Women’s Society of CyberJutsu Pentest Ninja award. She is on the board of advisors of the angel backed security training startup Cybrary and the nonprofit Digital Citizens Alliance.

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