“Georgia did a great job. I hope she opened eyes to folks regarding the dangers of mobile devices in the enterprise. She backed up my decision to totally isolate our wireless network from our corporate network.”
Takedowncon St. Louis Conference
“Georgia did a great job. I hope she opened eyes to folks regarding the dangers of mobile devices in the enterprise. She backed up my decision to totally isolate our wireless network from our corporate network.”
“I loved the Advanced Metasploit Class at Unallocated. It started off at the beginners level and by the end we were scripting our own exploits and using olly dbg. Georgia moves at a relentless speed, which was great! I took tons of notes and met a ton of cool people in the field.”
“Day 3 was a pretty steep learning curve for me personally as I had no development background or experience. Trainer Georgia was very skilled – she knows what she preaches! She gives room and time to solve problems yourself and also goes really in-depth. Training gave me what I wanted and more. Analyzing how to make an exploit was super awesome!”
“I thought the training was TOP – It could have fit in a 5 day setting so we would be able to go even deeper. I will definitely be back for some more advanced security stuff!”
“I just got offered (and accepted!) the InfoSec role I was after at work, so I just wish to thank you so very much for the opportunity your training gave me to move on to bigger and better things! It was the kick that I needed, the first step on some serious relearning and retraining to catch up with 10 years of standing still.”